
From The Jew in the Lotus:

"Ever since the Holocaust we are all like priests who have become contaminated by death.  It's hard for people who are looking for a loving, living God to find him among the angry voices.  They go to people who at this point don't have any anger about God."
~ Zalman Schachter quoting Shlomo Carlebach 

"Before reading the Torah, Jews pray to "Av Harakhamim," the "Merciful Father."  The root of rakhamim, or mercy, is rekhem -- womb.  Av Harakhamim could be translated, our Wombly Father, our Motherly Father."
~ Rodger Kamenetz

"You doubt everything else.  Why not doubt anger?"
~Kamenetz quoting Geshe Khenrab


Ronen: "Israel is like a giant pick-up bar."
Inbal:  "Your metaphors are..."
Ronen: "...bitchin'"

(In talking about how it is common to go to any town in Israel and meet someone you know.)


‎"You say you're from Wisconsin, you speak Hebrew with a French accent, and you're wearing a t-shirt from Australia. People are going to think you're a Russian spy."

~a man at the Kibbutz factory



Always a good rule.  Said by Ilan, the Ulpan program director, during the informational meeting.  Rhyming in a second-language: WIN


"Today is the only day on the kibbutz!"

Said by a few kibbutzniks in response to me after saying "We'll celebrate tomorrow."  The Israeli version of carpe diem?

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